Healing is not just physical—it’s spiritual, emotional, and mental. Throughout Scripture, God reassures us of His power to restore, renew, and make us whole. Whether you are facing sickness, emotional wounds, or spiritual battles, His Word offers hope, strength, and healing.
These healing affirmations, rooted in Scripture, are a reminder that God’s promises never fail. Speak them over your life, declare them in faith, and trust in His divine power to heal and restore.
God forgives all iniquities, and heals all my diseases - Proverbs 103-3
Lord, It is written in Your word that if I cry out to You, You will heal me - Psalm 30:2
Lord, it is written in Your word that You will take away from me all the sickness - Deuteronomy 7:15
By His stripes I am healed - Isaiah 53:5
You Lord will bring me health and healing - Jeremiah 33:6
Lord, Your word says that My healing shall spring forth speedily - Isaiah 58:8
It is written in Psalms 41 Heavenly Father, that if we remember and bless the poor that you will keep us alive and that you will raise us up off of our sick bed and heal our diseases. - Psalm 41:3
Lord You said that if I departed from evil and I would have health to my flesh, and strength to my bones - Proverbs 3:7-8
Lord You said that if I served You, You would take sickness away from me - Exodus 23:25
I cry out to You O' Lord and you will heal me - Psalm 30:2
My body is healthy and strong and not plagued by human ills - Psalm 73:4-5
Father, it is written in Psalms 107:20 that You will send Your word to heal me, and Your word does will not return to You void, and that You will rescue me from the grave. - Psalm 107:20
You will heal the brokenhearted and bind up my wounds - Psalm 147:2
You Lord will bring me health and healing and I will enjoy abundant peace and security - Jeremiah 33:6
Heavenly Father, it says in Your word in Malachi 3:11 that you will rebuke the devourer for my sake - Malachi 3:11
It is written in Psalms 34:19 that the afflictions of the righteous are many, but You will deliver us from all of them - Psalms 34:19
Your words will strengthen my weak hands and strengthen my feeble knees - Job 4:3-4
You Lord will heal all my sicknesses and diseases - Matt 4:23-24
I listen to the voice of the Lord and do what is right in his eyes and he heals me - Exodus 15:26
The Lord is merciful to me in my weakness and he heals me - Psalm 6:22
I will not die but live, and will proclaim what the Lord has done - Psalm 118:17
God has seen my ways. He will heal me and restore my comfort - Isaiah 57:18
As you declare these affirmations daily, let God’s truth take root in your heart. His Word is a source of life, strength, and renewal, and when spoken in faith, it carries power beyond measure. No matter what challenges you face, know that healing is already at work within you. Stand firm, trust in His promises, and walk forward in faith, health, and wholeness.